Customized Call Forwarding with TOUCH’s web access portal

Were you ever required to do a little travelling during a work week, or have you taken a vacation at a busy time of year for your business? Are you wondering if there are ways for you to get out of the office when you need to, but still have the confidence that your customers will get the service they deserve while you are away? One way to keep things flowing smoothly at your business while you are working on something else is to have a call-forwarding service such as that offered by Touch Communications.

Woman on Phone

What Is call forwarding?

Call forwarding (also called call diversion in some areas) is a convenient and easy way to manage calls when you are busy somewhere else. It is a service that lets you forward incoming phone calls to another number, which can even be a mobile phone or pager. This service allows you to take the call when you are able to. Once the call is answered by a professional Call Service Representative (CSR) in a call centre, the call can then be forwarded to a number of your choice.

Call forwarding increases the availability of the business to its clients or customers, no matter the type of business. This helps eliminate the need for customers to leave recorded messages on a machine or voicemail. Call forwarding services give that human touch that means so much to so many clients, which in turn can improve the relationship between business and client.

Here are a few reasons it makes sense to have a customized Call Forwarding service with TOUCH’s web access portal.

Customized Accounts

Customized accounts are created by Touch’s trained representatives to allow a broad range of variety and flexibility with your calls so all needs are met. Your business has its own special requirements, and a customized call forwarding account with TOUCH’s web access portal can ensure the care and service you need.

Round the clock service

Touch Communications’ call forwarding service operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week – which means you never have to miss an important call.

Incoming calls can be forwarded to any telephone number you choose and different types of calls can be sent to different personnel within your organization. The service can be as customized as you need it to be for your business including arranging for designated personnel to change at certain times or on certain days.

The best in customer care

To serve all customers the best way possible, all personnel at Touch Communications undergo extensive customer service training. All software and systems are programmed, designed, and built by TOUCH personnel. This allows new features, new services, and a new custom design solutions with a cutting edge.

Using customized call forwarding with TOUCH’s web access portal makes sense. Set your mind at ease with a service that works for you and your business. Make sure that every call that comes into your business receives the human touch and is dealt with in the most efficient manner possible.

Enjoy a Stress-Free Vacation with Live Call Answering

Vacations are always enjoyable, but for some businesses they can cause a new variation of stress. Who is going to take care of messages, assist clients and direct people when they have questions or need direction? Everyone needs a vacation, some time out to recharge and be refreshed, but how can we have a stress-free vacation when there is a business to run?


By carefully managing details before departure, you can easily lower stress on you and your staff while continuing to make money while you are away.

How to Enjoy Stress Free Vacations with Live Call Answering

A live call answering service such as that offered by Touch Communication can be an answer to your business and vacation prayers. If you are feeling a little nervous, don’t worry, there are many benefits to using this type of service.

Touch Communications’ live call answering service operators are there whenever you need to use them. Our operators are highly trained and professional, and are able to take care of any calls before or after your business opens and closes. In simple terms, Touch Communication extends your office hours. During summer hours, this can easily benefit any business as clients have more time to get service at their convenience.

The live-call service can answer calls that can’t be answered by an office member who is gone on vacation or may have gone home early due to summer hours. Appointments can be scheduled, phone calls can be screened and bilingual calls can be handled.

How Can Touch Communication’s Live Call Answering Service Help?

When you use our services, Touch Communications will work with you to ensure our live call answering operators will seamlessly represent your company. When a client or customer calls, they will not be able to tell the difference between us or your company handling the calls. They will receive the proper care and customer service they deserve.

Our services help your business continue to function well while you are gone. On staff members can focus on their work since they won’t have extra work or stress placed on them. Live call answering service can also schedule (or re-schedule) appointments over the phones during vacation time.

There is nothing worse than being a customer and getting an answering machine message that the person you are trying to call is on vacation. It can feel like hitting a wall as customers naturally enjoy speaking with a person, rather than a machine. An answering service continues the flow of the business, making your summer much more enjoyable while your business continues to operate smoothly.

So plan that dream summer vacation, and trust that Touch Communications is keeping your business thriving while you relax and soak up a little sunshine. By looking out for your clients and business, you are also looking out for yourself. Enjoy the summer weather with knowing there is nothing to cause you stress this by including Touch Communications in your summer business plans!

Never Lose a Lead with Live Call Answering Service

No one calls a business with the intent of leaving a voice message. When a potential client calls a business for information, pricing or to retain their service, they want to speak with someone that is going to help them. The last thing they want to do is leave a message. There’s a strong chance they’ll hang up the phone and call someone else, most likely the competition. People buy from other people, not from voice recordings. Never lose a sales lead again. Switch to live call answering.


Money is at stake every time your phone rings. You don’t want to lose one lead. How can you make sure you have enough phone coverage at your business without breaking the bank on more people, equipment and more phone lines. The answer is simple. A live call answering service and Touch Communications.

Touch Communications is an answering service that that works for you. We consider ourselves an extension of your business. The days of just taking a message and paging are over. We get to know your business so you can trust us with your business. We provide 24/7 live answering and our staff provides a seamless experience for your customers with the same care they have come to expect from you.

Our 24 hour live answering service allows a business to run smoothly even during peak times and after hours. A growing business will reach a critical point when they will require a 24 answering service. Let your employees focus their undivided attention on each customer without worry of getting a business signal or call waiting. They can have peace of mind knowing that an established company is handling overflow calls and taking detailed messages.

Sales calls are the lifeblood of your business. What’s the point in spending money on marketing or any other aspect of your business if you’re not accessible to your clients? Although a lot of business and sales are done online, there are plenty of people who still prefer speaking with someone on the phone. Many potential clients prefer to speak to an actual person. Getting one sale a month through a live telephone answering service
could mean that it pays for itself.

Unlike a receptionist or your staff, a live telephone answering service can be on hand all day and night, every day of the year. This is important because it means outside of regular office hours, your business has a real person manning the phones, ready to deal with inquiries and provide answers to any other aspects of customer service required. It could also mean sales when your company is closed for business until the following day.

Having a live answering service means that calls will never ring through or go unanswered. Also, during busy and peak periods the live service will be able to handle any unexpected spikes in the number of calls, meaning you’ll never lose out on potential calls.

Enhancing Your Brand Perception With Live Call Answering

Answering calls, scheduling appointments, sending messages, and providing live customer assistance are more than just core functions of your business – they’re also opportunities to enhance brand perception and customer loyalty and expand your client base.

The Touch Communications Logo

A virtual assistant lends your business a bit of legitimacy and the illusion of size. A telephone answering service is important even in your company’s infancy because it gives you a good brand perception. Because with many services you can provide your virtual receptionist with custom scripts, you can maintain any brand voice and personality you may have already created online or elsewhere.

Here are a few more reasons why your small business should be using a telephone answering service.

Never miss a sales lead

Sales calls are the lifeblood of your business. What’s the point of spending money on marketing or any other aspect of your business if you’re not going to make yourself accessible to your clients? Getting just one sale a month through your telephone answering service could mean it pays for itself.

Save money on hiring a receptionist

Telephone answering services represent a huge saving in comparison to handling your calls in-house. You not only avoid paying a salary, you also save on the costs associated with having someone in the office.

Act like a blowfish

Known as the blowfish effect, making your business look bigger and more professional is a great way to stand out in a crowded marketplace. For micro businesses, this is especially helpful in enhancing the perception of having a fully manned office. With brand perception high on the agenda for many small businesses, replicating the sleek and seamless service of a larger organization is becoming increasingly desirable.

Impress every single caller

In a competitive market, it’s important to “WOW” each and every client. As consumers, we seek and expect to be wowed, and as business owners, it’s our job to compel customers to talk, tweet and share their experience with us. Our receptionists have the confidence, knowledge and positive can-do attitude to make an unforgettable experience.

Free up time for your team to generate revenue

Even during office hours, dealing with the flow of inbound calls can be extremely time-consuming and distracting. A phone answering service can handle of the day-to-day enquiries, allowing your team to concentrate on growing your business.

Personal touch

Answering machines should be banned for small businesses. It can reflect poorly on your business, while making it look disorganized and can even turn customers off before they’ve had the chance to even get through to you. A call answering service means that whenever they call, potential clients get through to an actual person.

Increase productivity of your staff

Research has shown that calls are the single biggest distraction people face in the workplace. When you are constantly having your workflow interrupted, it breaks your momentum. The time wasted isn’t the time it takes to answer the call, it’s all the time it takes to get yourself back into the swing of work.

Book appointments and manage your calendar

Many telephone answering services can also do other tasks, such as acting as a switchboard to transfer calls to the appropriate people. Even better, some virtual receptionists can be trained to use your calendar and diary software, which means they book, cancel and rearrange appointments for you. This is an excellent way to cut down on time-consuming administration.

Contact Us if you’re interested in enhancing your brand perception.

Get Your Business Summer-Ready with Live Call Answering

Can you feel it? The air is getting warmer. Your employees – and maybe even you – are staring out the window more frequently and there is talk of heading to the nearest patio after work. And then, there’s the vacation requests that are starting to flood your inbox. Of course, after all the hard work they’ve put in this year, your employees deserve the break – but you also need to keep your office running during the summer months. Live call answering from Touch Communications can help keep your business operating even while your staff are enjoying Pina Coladas at the beach!

Cottage Chair Dock

How live call answering can help you over the summer months:

Lots of businesses experience a natural slowdown – and may even close for a week or two – between June and August, but that doesn’t mean you want to miss out on a sale should a potential customer happen to call you during that time.

With live call answering services you can have your summer shutdown and have one or two employees available on call. When a call comes into your business, it will be answered by one of Touch’s professional CSRs – and if necessary, transferred to either yourself or to another designated staff person. Since there are no long term contract periods with Touch, it is the ideal service to use for a month, the entire summer, or throughout the whole year.

Even if your business doesn’t close during the summer, chances are you’ve got several people on your team that are requesting vacation time. If there are a number of people requesting the same time off, you may be forced to say no to some of them. And while saying no to your employees is sometimes a necessary evil of running a business, it can cause discontent in the workplace and may even mean that some of your best employees will start “brushing up their resume”.

Live call answer service can pick up some of the slack, meaning that more of your people can enjoy the summer that they have planned.

Run your business even while YOU are on vacation:

What if you don’t have a team? What if your business is … well… just you? In that case, going on vacation can be a challenge. Of course you’ll notify your best clients that you’re going to be away, but you might still have that nagging feeling that you’re going to miss that big deal because you didn’t answer your cell phone.

Touch Communication can help here too. When you use our live call answer service as a sole proprietor, you can specify what kind of calls you’d like to have transferred to you while you are away. Our trained CSRs will be able to answer callers’ basic questions, set up appointments for you on an online calendar for when you return.  Even further, we can even screen calls and transfer the ones that you request.

Calls can be transferred to you anywhere in the world – whether it’s to your cell phone while you are at the cottage, or to the front desk of your resort.  Just work out the details with us before you leave!

Summer is a great time to get away from it all – but for business owners, this can be difficult. Let Touch Communications help you get your summer back – with live call answer service.