24/7 Service AND 24/7 Support

Regular business hours are quickly becoming a thing of the past. With more and more businesses offering the ability to purchase products over the internet and call centres with 24/7 service, the modern customer is coming to expect service on demand. Companies that don’t offer this immediate service are likely to lose business to their competition.

24 hours

With the world being as connected as it is, we have simply come to expect instantaneous service.

At Touch Communications, we offer 24/7 Service AND 24/7 Support in order to keep your clients happy – and to keep YOU happy.

24/7 Service

There are many reasons why you might want to have someone answering your business line every day of the week, around the clock. Perhaps your business is one that offers emergency services – such as a plumber or electrician. Or perhaps, you have customers calling in from different time zones and you simply want to make sure your business is available.

But even if these descriptions don’t match your business, there is one simply reason why every business owner should want that line answered every single time – and that reason is that if a potential customer calls and ends up getting your voicemail instead of a real live person, there is a very good chance that rather than leave a message, they will simply call your competition. And if your competition offers 24/7 service, then you cannot afford not to.

At Touch Communications, we realize that most small businesses don’t have the manpower or resources to constantly be manning the phone. That’s why we offer 24/7 service that is both professional and affordable.

24/7 Support

If you are a business owner who wants your customers to be able to get 24/7 service, then it stands to reason that you yourself would probably appreciate 24/7 service as well. And that’s why we offer 24/7 support to our customers.  After all, some of your best business ideas probably occur outside of regular business hours.

Whether inspiration strikes you at 3:00 am and you want to change how your customers are greeted, or you suddenly realize after you’ve already left for vacation that you need to change your company’s emergency contact, our customer service representatives are always available and willing to help.

Support and Service ANYTIME you need it!

There are many benefits to working with a company like Touch Communications and offers 24/7 Service and Support. Here are just a few of the reasons that 24/7 is the way to go:

  • Lowers your risk of losing business to your competition
  • Ideal for businesses that offer emergency services
  • Provides for flexibility for customers calling in from different time zones
  • More affordable that hiring additional staff to be “on-call” 24/7.
  • Greater flexibility for you as a call centre client
  • Access reports or make changes to your service whenever you need it

So what are you waiting for? Nine to five is so yesterday. Give your customers the service they desire and give yourself the support you deserve with 24/7 service and support from Touch Communications.

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  1. Pingback: How to Choose an Answering Service – 9 Things to Consider

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